
Cocaine Abuse

Before we know what is the meaning of cocaine addiction rehab, we need to know what's cocaine abuse? Cocaine is currently the most abused major driver in America. It has recently become the drug most often involved in emergency admissions policy. This is not a new drug of abuse, but is now considered the caviar of recreational drugs. Therefore, this distinction is reflected in the description of drug-champagne, gold dust, the Cadillac of drugs, against the state, yuppie drug, and others. Some method of use such as snowflakes, Toot, blow, nose candy, she, it, flake Lady, Lady Liquid (a mixture of cocaine and alcohol), speedball (cocaine and heroin), crack. And it can express its preparation, such as Freebase. It is known simply as coke.

In current, aproximatelly one in six Americans (15 per cent in 2007) have tried cocaine at age 30, and 7 percent have tried their last year of high school. But recent discoveries about the inner workings of the brain and the adverse effects of cocaine we offer unprecedented opportunities to address the persistent problem of public health.

Common physical effects of cocaine use are changes in blood pressure, heart rates, and breathing rate, nausea, vomiting, insomnia loss of appetite leading to malnutrition and weight loss, cold sweats, swelling and bleeding of mucous membranes, and damage to nasal cavities, restlessness and anxiety, damage to lungs, possible heart attacks, strokes, or convulsions.

Learn more about "Drug Rehab": ADDICTION SOLUTION


Dallas said...

Don’t let addiction take over your life. You can go to dual diagnosis treatment facilities. Look for ones in your area that are caring and compassionate.

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